Yume no California, Episode 7

The Actors
Rape-Huggist: Shibasaki Kou ♀
Rape-Huggee: Domoto Tsuyoshi ♂

The Context
In this dorama, Domoto is the classic "dick in a glass case" / eternally in the friend-zone. She is an old classmate and who happens to be a model (and way out of his league). She is dating another man who she doesn't really like, so when they have an argument, she immediately arranges to meet the friend-zoned friend. Spurred by her weakness, she pulls a hideous face and takes a huge run-up for the dramatic rape-hug.

The Result

This rape-hug results in him being totally confused and her feeling guilty because in Japan inter-gender friendships cannot allow any physical contact - inluding accidental hand-brushes when opening a door. It would have been an inconsequential event, however, this was also overseen by a mutual friend who instead of being shocked at a violent rapey-hug, assumed that the two were having freaky monkey sex at any opportunity and was too embarrassed to mention it.

The Depiction

The cinematography pulls out all the cliche stops for this rape-hug including Shibasaki's hideous face of torment as she makes the decision to rape-hug, then a sweeping long-shot as she makes violent contact and he stands his ground like a loyal (and dead) British soldier in the Boer War. Then, upon contact we hear the beginning of the dorama's theme song 'California Dreaming' to indicate the magnitude of this shocking overseen event, and see the very different emotions on both their faces.
Contrast the Ali-like speed of her hands, with his daytime gargoyle defenselessness against her. 

Awkwardometor ☆☆☆
This is extremely awkward for a female-instigated rape-hug due to several factors. The facial expressions lend some credibility to my suspicions that Shibasaki is kind of crazy. He is playing a character who seems to be a virgin - or at least acts like one - and has absolutely no idea what to do. He's basically in a prison of rape-hug. Add onto that, the setting of a park at night (prime raping real-estate) and that they are overseen by a mutual friend. It would have been a four-star awkward rape-hug if this wasn't so obviously a device to extend this dorama a few episodes-worth of superflous forced dorama airtime.

Enjoy the rape-hug in real time, along with the annoying introduction to California Dreaming.  

Jiu, Episode 4

The Actors
Rape-Huggist: Shirota Yu ♂
Rape-Huggee: Kuroki Meisa ♀

The Context
They are both elite police-force members. Basically, think of the Samuel L Jackson film S.W.A.T. where the guy is Colin Farrell, and she is Michelle Rodriguez. In fact, ever since first making this obvservation, I cannot look at Kuroki Meisa without thinking that she is the Asian version of Michelle Rodriguez. They are both incredibly attractive, but they always take on roles that make them butch, they always wear tank tops (or "wifebeaters) and they often die.

Here is a quick comparison I microsoft painted-up:
Although Kuroki takes the glamour edge, this is just ridiculous - these are the exact same jackets and low-cut wife-beaters they are wearing. I wonder how many times Rodriguez has been rape hugged over her acting career.

The Result
This is a very successful rape-hug, as later in this episode they are shown in post-coitus before she gets up and leaves him when you can tell that he really wants to spoon.

The Depiction
This is a fighting rape-hug. A bit earlier on in the series she destroys three of her elite police force male colleagues (breaking of of their arms in the process), so we all know that she can fight - and unlike most female actresses Meisa is actually convicing as a quality fighter. However, she tests her luck again, and he fends her off like a small child, wraps her up so she doesn't end up hurting herself, and rape-hugs her against her own free will. This makes it one of the rare rape-hugs in Japanese doramas where the rape-huggee is actually stuggling.


Yes, this is a from-behind rape-hug that happens at night which usually would jack up the awkardometor a few stars. This scores low on the awkwardometor because she kind of deserved it by throwing a punch at an obviously superior fighter, and unless you are a total badass who is willing to punch a female in the face, the only acceptable way to fight a woman is by wrapping her up. (The other "options" are to take a beating, or to fight using another female's fists Jet Li & Aaliyah style.) So, really he did exactly the right thing, right up until the moment that he thinks "she's throwing a punch on me, that must means she likes me." Well, unfortunately his hunch proved correct, but I'm going out on a limb to say that he hit the freaking jackpot. The odds of this working were astoundingly low, and seriously, if Meisa stopped taking on roles where she is trying to be a bad-ass tom-boy, she would be the hottest J-dorama actress, so screw this guy. But in the end, this is a rape-hug merely due to him extending a counter wrap-up long enough for it to be awkward and him to get a boner. So as much as I hated this rape-hug and everything it mis-represents, it scores a measly one star.

A most disappointingly short fight-scene that quickly turns creepy.

Yume no California, Episode 4

The Actors
Rape-Huggist: Tanabe Seiichi ♂
Rape-Huggee: Kitagawa Hiromi ♀

The Context

These are two peripheral characters in this human dorama. He is a coworker of the main character and he has a wife and a child. She is also a co-worker who has fallen in love with him despite the fact that he is morally out of bounds. However, as Chris Rock once said “It's hard for a man to turn down sex … if they chase us, we can't run that fast.” So, by the fourth episode she asks "are you not feeling well?" he can't control his emotions and commits rape-hug.

The Result
To put it nicely, the rape-hug cured her affections. It's like really wanting to own a pair of skinny jeans, and you save up for months and months, and when you finally get a pair and try them on you look like a douche because you are wearing skinny jeans. That's because it's the moment you realise that you are basically wearing leggings with pockets and a belt. 

He is like those pair of skinny jeans. She has been biding her time, and then finally he cracks. But just before he does, she realises that his hair is stupid and he is nowhere near as smooth as she once thought. She just stands there like an alien probe victim standing alone in a field unsure of what just happened.

Fair enough. When a guy's reaction to a girl asking "Are you not feeling well?" is to rape-hug her, then he probably isn't well at all.

The Depiction
The rape hug begins with him dramatically turning his head - evil hamster style - and the camera takes a wide shot showing the rape-hug as a silhouette in front of the sunset. It cuts to close ups of him panting and looking scared, her face in sheer terror, and his face as he closes his eyes. It is unclear whether he is savouring the moment, or if he is regretting his actions. Then the scene cuts away to an unrelated scene as this 'romance'  is basically thrown under the rug.

Awkwardometor ☆☆☆

In his defense, she had been sending signals his way for a long time - but this was definitely not one of those moments. How could he screw this up? If he wanted to cheat on his wife and kid, he had every chance in the world but he had to ruin it - an amazing feat really. This was a layup. But instead of scoring the easy basket, he pooped his pants, slipped in his poop, and fell face first into his poop. 

Pictured: How to ruin a sunset.

Nisennen no Koi (Love 2000), Episode 2

The Actors

Rape-Huggist: Kaneshiro Takeshi ♂
Rape-Huggee: Nakayama Miho ♀

The Context
There is somewhat complex situation behind this rape-hug'n kiss. He is an international assassin who has taken a common citizen on a date to the opera as a cover as he will attempt to assassinate his father. He is about to pull out his gun and blast the crap out of his dad when the girl gets in the way. She doesn't notice that he was about to spray the building full of bullets, but some undercover bodyguards do and they start walking towards him. That's when the above animated GIF begins, as he presumes that noone would expect an international spy to also be good at seducing women... right? I can't think of any international spy who is good at bonding with the other sex... And of course, the ploy works because Japanese people are so embarrassed by public displays of affection. "He might be a spy who is about to kill the person we are protecting," they think "But on the other hand I don't want to embarrass myself."

The Result
It's very complicated. On the one hand, he is using her only as cover for his assassin duties, but gradually falls in love with her. But on the other hand, she simply sees this as an extremely mixed message. I mean, the mixed messages start after just a few seconds when he downgrades from a rape-kiss to a rape-hug.

The Depiction
This is an extremely tense dorama -  and this is probably the highest point in the entire series. You're waiting for some gunshots, bloodsplatter, all that good stuff. And then Boom! It's an incredibly awkward rape-hug which he only employs when he realises he is a terrible kisser. It's like when somebody trips up and they try to turn it into a dance-move. We also have two great close-ups of his shifty-eyes, and her deer-in-the-headlights face as she gets violated and appears to look around for help. If only there were a policeman nearby...

Awkwardometor ☆☆☆☆
There is a moral dillemma here, as to whether a rape-hug is worse or lesss bad if it is done for ulterior motives such as not being shot in the back of the head by armed bodyguards. This ultimate depends on whether you think if the victim actually wants it but doesn't yet know it. However, the evidence for awkwardness is far too strong here. First, his premeditated action and the shifty eyes. And the fact that he freaks out when he kisses her so goes in for the hug instead [while there are many examples of rape-hug'n kisses, it's rare for a rape-kiss to turn into a rap-hug]. I think this is compounded by the fact that Kaneshiro is portrayed in this dorama - as in every role he takes - as an extremely suave man, and he totally flubs this moment.

Then, her scared reaction  is not exactly comforting (probably part of the reason he 2nd guessed his kiss). Finally, combine this with the fact that they are in an extremely public place, the opera - which is not exactly known as a teenage make-out location - in front of people who would otherwise point guns on them and you have a terribly awkward rape-hug. I give this four star-shaped thumbs up!

I think her expression speaks for us all.

Tiger And Dragon, Episode 3

The Actors
Rape-Huggist: Ito Misaki ♀
Rape-Huggee: Arakawa Yoshiyoshi ♂

The Context
Misaki's character is that she is a ditz, and he is one of the students living in the house who are studying the art of 'rakugo' (Japanese sit-down comedy). They are not involved - in fact she is dating the son of the master, and has slept twice with a different student. Anyway, at this point in the dorama it comes to light that he is a virgin. He then says how his only love is the theatre, which is her cue to say "Aww, how cute" and rape hug the virgin from behind.

The Result

Negligible. There is never any romantic or aggressive intent between the two characters, and her reaction is almost dehumanising him into a teddy-bear-like figure, as in "virgins still exist?"

The Depiction
The depiction is actually quite shocking, combining some of the most sinister rape-hug elements in quick succession: she runs out from behind the bookshelf on the left to rape-hug him from behind mid-sentence while six people simply look on and do nothing. This is a prime example of the bystander effect.

Having once been a virgin myself, I know how incredibly awkward situation this must be for the male victim. The last thing his confidence needs right after exposing to everyone that he is a virgin is an attractive female fe-man-handling him out of any emotion other than lust, especially in a roomful of people he knows. However, the overall awkwardness of this rape-hug rates low because:
  • Rape-hugs are nearly always less awkward when the female is the perp.
  • There is obviously no malice intended by this action.
  • Tiger and Dragon is a genuinely funny comedy, largely because it creates these awkward moments.
So basically what I have just said is that this rape-hug is less awkward because it is awkward. This makes sense when you remember that the awkwardometor is a gague of the awkwardness the viewer, not the characters. So basically, I might be implicity condoning rape-hugs - or willing to turn a blind eye - if the intent is only to embarrass male virgins.

"How cute! Lets violate it!"


Buzzer Beat, Episode 1

The Actors
Rape-Huggist: Kaneko Nobuaki ♂
Rape-Huggee: Aibu Saki ♀

The Context

Neither of these two are the lead actors, instead, she is the lead's girlfriend who everyone thinks is perfect. He is the new teammate on the boyfriend's team. He is also a complete douche (and he can't actually play basketball), and throws himself at her, saying "I think we'll get along just fine". Actually, as you can see, he violently throws her into his arms, but I'm just nit-picking here.

The Result
Their genitals touch and they have an affair, so it was a successful rape-hug. The confidence of this rape-hug reminds me of a Seinfeld quote that "It's not a lie if you really believe it", and sustitute "lie" for "rape-hug" and that's a fair description of this rape-hug. A few episodes later the boyfriend walks in on them kissing and they break up.

The Depiction
The night-scene lends itself even more to the idea of rape, as is the fact that he forcefully pulls her towards him, she screams "Hey,. what are you ..." at which point she can no longer scream because he turns the rape-hug into a combo rape-kiss. And that is the point where she thinks, "Well, it's too late now. As a woman I have no valuable opinion anyway." Then once she has given in to his advances, the peppy end theme song starts playing as if to say 'nothing to see here, carry on'.

Notice how she is attemping to pull herself away like a naughty dog on a leash. 

This is one of the more disturbing scenes you will see for all the reasons mentioned above, however it falls short of a perfect 5 star rape-hug because she is apparently a slut.

"It's not a rape-hug if you really believe [she wants] it."

Sapuri, Episode 2

The Actors
Rape-Huggist: Eita ♂
Rape-Huggee: Ito Misaki ♀

The Context
He is a young, successful employee who is romantically only interested in his first love. She is a coworker who very much likes him and is frustrated with him being such a pussy. 

The Result
Considering what is written in the above paragraph, coupled with the fact that he rape-hugs her, you would think that this is finally the moment that they get together. Although I am not condoning the rape-hug gesture, perhaps she could un-make it a rape-hug by applying some pressure in return and saying how long she has waited for this moment. However, conditioned by years of Japanese rape-hug culture and the fact that all of Misaki Ito's characters are useless pieces of crap without any personality, she remains completely limp. They then stand in that awkward motion for about one minute of dorama playing time, long enough for some awkward dialogue (see the screen cap below) and for someone to accidentally walk in on them. Eventually, Eita's character apologises for his rash action and [spoiler alert] their genitals never touch.

The Depiction
Here we see the confident male preconceiving his actions, before taking the two strides and quickly evades the suggestion that he might be diving in for the kiss by swerving left - on which side cars drive in Japan - and remaining firmly in place for the long minute of this scene. Also, the scene is dramatically lit by a setting sun behind them in the board room they are in, and the orchestral music reaches its climax.

Despite the expectation that the girl would be happy to be hugged, this rape hug is extremely awkward due to the extended duration of the hug and that at no point does she show any real emotion. Hell, I felt extremely awkward after a few seconds. At some point, you would expect Eita to think: 
"Why isn't she hugging me back? Maybe I should let go. Nah, that's impossible - I'm Eita. This is ging greaaaat!"  
Then somebody sees them, and instead of calling the police or informing HR of sexual harrassment, she thinks that this is a romantic moment and presumes that these two are dating, when in reality, you would get the same kind of experience with Ito Misaki as a sex doll. It's at times like these that I really hate Japanese Prime-time doramas (among many other legitimate reasons). I was surprised that this was the only rape-hug in the entire series, so there's at least that.

Witness the lack of emotional depth in real time!

Good Luck, Episode 1

The Actors
Rape-Huggist: Yoon Soo Ha
Rape-Huggee: Kimura Takuya

The Context
Kimura is a pilot who is single, and is therefore extremely eligible among women (pretty much exactly how it is in real life). Most of the females in the dorama are stewardesses who constantly praise him and try to act cute in front of him. However, his neighbour has a different plan of attack - literally. As soon as he comes home, she ambushes him and pretends he is someone else that she is dating.
Note: this is a rape-hug that crosses national borders, showing that Koreans are also partial to the aggressive suffocating behaviour of rape-huggery. Either that, or she's taking symbolic national revenge for the years between about, say, 1905 and 1945.  

The Result
The rape-huggist is obviously mentally unstable, and Kimura spends the entire dorama avoiding her. The entire storyline involving this neighbour is completely irrelevant to the dorama, and appears to be there only for comedic effect for all those who enjoy watching unsolicited physical contact. 

The Depiction
As soon as he inserts the key in the lock of his house, the sequence begins. We see the neighbour's door open, running footsteps, and she attacks Kimura. For comparison's sake, let's pretend that she was holding an axe and it quickly becomes a completely different dorama. Kimura is pushed back by the force of impact, and left swaying as she talks nonsense.

The fact that the storyline of the dorama concerning the neighbour has completely nothing to do with the rest of the dorama makes it less awkward. Yes, she is basically a stranger, a foreigner, and a lunatic, and the hug includes a run-up and nonsense talking. However, in the greater scheme it is relatively less awkward than it might seem largely due to the fact the attacker is female - usually the smaller of the sexes in the human species.

Watch the crazy Korean lady come flying from her room like an evil flying monkey, in real time.

Mukodono 2003, Episode 1

The Actors
Rape Huggist: Nagase Tomoya
Rape Huggee: Sakai Noriko

The Context
He is a famous singer and has millions of females throwing their panties at him, yet he chooses this one 'plain' girl (Yes, I realise she isn't actually plain, but that is how what she is supposed to portray).This is a classic rape-hug where the male simply decides on his mate, with the 1950s-like expectation that this will be the highlight of this woman's life.

The Result
The rape-hug was successful, they get married almost immediately afterwards, and he moves in with her family. This also doubles as the most romantic moment in the entire series, even though it is supposed to be a romance dorama.

The Depiction
We see the man confidently stride towards her, his mind already made up that he is getting a hug no matter what. He grabs her forcefully in the middle of her back, and the impact is shown three times, similar to how in boxing movies when somebody is hit with a knockout punch.

Note how despite the manly iniative taken, that he is careful that his genitals don't touch her. A true gentleman.

This rape-hug would be more awkward if the female victim had any shred of personality. Basically she is the perfect victim for a rape-hug - equivalent to an ugly girl walking through a park used by crack-heads at 2am in the morning with a bag over her head. I'm not making any excuses for the rape-hug, but for all we know she actually wanted it. This rape-hug scores a 3 on the awkwardometor, primarily due to the cinematography.

Rape-hugs: How to make a marriage proposal the saddest moment of a woman's life. 


Welcome to the J-Dorama Rape-Hugs weblog - your one-stop-shop for all things Japanese Dorama Rape-hug related. Before you get started, you may want to read some of the FAQs about this website.

What is a Rape-Hug?
A rape-hug (also written as a compound word or as two separate words), is exactly what it sounds like - an unsolicited, unwanted or unexpected hug. Here is a selection of definitions from Urban Dictionary.


What is a "Dorama"?
"Dorama" is the anglicisation of the Japanese loanword of the English word "drama" which refers to Asian, but specifically Japanese, television Dramas.

What Does the Typical Rape Hug Consist Of?
The typical rape-hug comes at climax in the storyline, where one party is compelled to force themself in a violent but misguided expression of passion. The hug-rapist (also known as the "rape-huggist"), will then envelop their victim (also known as the "hug-rapee" or the "rape-huggee"). The rape-huggee will be shocked, surprised or scared and their body will turn as limp as a wet noodle. Then there will be an awkward moment awaiting the response from the victim. Usually there will be sappy music playing in a failed attempt to make the moment less awkward. Sometimes this is combined with a rape-kiss, crazy talk, crying - the options are endless. Then comes the moment when the rape-huggee decides whether he or she is pleased with the sudden intrusion of their personal space.
Most disturbing to me, however, is the apparent success-rate of the rape hug, which I would think would encourage this behaviour to the impressionable Japanese population. Having never been a Japanese person myself - and not likely to become one in the near future - I am blissfully unaware if this is actually happening, but I would be surprised if it wasn't.

Note: Usually the male rape-hugs the female, but this is often reversed. I guess this shows that at least in the field of rape-hugs, Japan is quite progressive in terms of gender equality. Also, there are instances of same-gender rape-hugs, as well as the rare group rape-hugs.
Note II: Not included as a rape-hug are when the huggee is crying and in obvious need of a hug.

Why Start an Entire Website About Rape-Hugs in Japanese Doramas?
When I began watching doramas, rape-hugs became increasingly difficult to ignore. It seems over half of all series have at least one incidence of a rape-hug, and the series that do have them often have several. The problem is that the doramas seem to think that these are romantic moments, and they seem unaware that rape hugs are nearly always awkward, immoral, and possibly illegal. I want to bring awareness to this disturbing phenomena and encourage all people to gain reasonable grounds of probable consent before commiting to a hug.

Isn't Devoting an Entire Weblog to Rape-Hugs In Japanese Doramas a Bit Too Specific? Won't You Soon Run Out of Material To Post?


Are You Absolutely Sure?
Look, I watch a lot of Japanese Doramas and sometimes I don't know if I'm watching a dorama with a lot of rape-hugging in it, or if I'm watching a series of rape-hugs held together by a flimsy storyline.

Why Are Rape-Hugs so Common In Japanese Doramas?
Obviously, there is no easy answer to this. Some may point to the general psychology of the Japanese people, who generally never touch each other, and will almost anything to avoid saying the word "no". It may also have to do with what has been called "the Japanese lack of romantic intelligence" (*by me, just now). It may also have to do with the still very traditional gender roles in Japan (in this sense "traditional" is not used affectionately).

If You Hate Japanese Doramas So Much Why Don't You Stop Watching Them?
Honestly, when I began watching doramas I was expecting them to be rubbish, and I was very surprised that they were not only watchable, but many were exceptionally good. Overall, a greater awareness and reduction of rape-hugs would undoubtedly improve the overall quality of Japanese doramas. However, while I suspect there is some correlation between bad doramas and rape-hugs, rape-hugs often appear in good doramas too. You are never safe.

Don't You Think it is Wrong to Joke About Rape?
Let me be perfectly serious for this one paragraph, and this one paragraph only. I firmly believe that:
A) Rape is completely wrong, reprehensible and unacceptable in any form - even  especially on prime-time Japanese television.
B) Hugs are one of the best things in the world. This expressly does not include rape-hugs. Why tarnish the good name of hugs?

I don't understand what is so great about hugging someone that has gone limp. You may as well be hugging a pillow, the advantage of which would be that you wouldn't be raping anyone!

But mostly, I will challenge anyone who says that mocking rape-hugs is encouraging rape or belittling real victims. On the contrary, isn't it possible that for some people rape-hugs are a gateway rape? And while there may be a few situations where it is acceptable to joke about rape, most of those situations are when you are George Carlin.

What Do You Hope To Achieve With This Website?
I'm on a crusade to raise awareness of this phenomena through the power of mockery and laughter. And once people are aware of it, they will surely see it for what it is as I would love Japan to become a little less rapey. Right now, many people simply aren't aware of how wide-spread the Japanese Dorama rape-hug epidemic is, and it's like when studying a language when you learn a new word you will suddenly start hearing that word everywhere.

I will aim to post a new rape-hug each week with video, screencaps and animated gifs, with some detailed analysis where appropriate.

Submissions or tips can be made to rapehug@gmail.com.

Stay safe, and remember: It takes at least two to hug.