Let's continue the festive season of Rape-hugMas with a revision of a dorama that surprisingly only had one rape-hug - Christmas themed one. In fact, in the Christmas spirit the awkwardometor has been turned down from four stars to a two-star rating. The original posting can be seen here.
The Actors
Rape-Huggist Tanaka Kei ♂
Rape-Huggee: Karina ♀
The Context
This dorama gave Rape-hug Community Watchmen like me a serious case of blue-balls, having to wait until the end of the finale for the first appearance of rape-huggery. The relationship between the two characters is so obviously going to work out in the end despite the fact that neither of them are ever seen smiling in the same scene. So you're just waiting out the other relationships that each of them inevitably have until the moment that one of them announces that they are going to America and the other has until the day before they leave - after a significant event - to decide if they want to join them as if it's some kind of reality TV show. So finally in the final episode when you see them standing 3 metres apart against a backdrop of Christmas Illuminations, he takes the inevitable step.
The Result
I guess this is the result that everybody expected and wanted, but notice how neither of them seems at all happy during the rape-hug. It's as if he is saying "fuck it, I will never be able to get a better wife than this so I may as well...". Call me a romantic, but I believe that it should take at least 6 months after getting married to be this miserable.
The name of the drama translates to "The reason I can't find love", and this is probably the most appropriate title for any Dorama I've ever seen.
The Depiction
The entire dorama series led up to this moment, as both characters work at an event lighting company. This final storyline is that they are co-producing the lighting for a big Christmas party, after which he will pack up and leave straight for the airport.
Visually, the background is far more interesting than either of the characters or anything they say and do. Other than the sparkles, there a three-metre gap that is shown via a wide-shot, as he strides to embrace the emotionally-lifeless victim. ("Emotionally lifeless" is also a good general description of Karina's acting).
Revised Awkwardometor ☆☆Rape-Huggee: Karina ♀
The Context
This dorama gave Rape-hug Community Watchmen like me a serious case of blue-balls, having to wait until the end of the finale for the first appearance of rape-huggery. The relationship between the two characters is so obviously going to work out in the end despite the fact that neither of them are ever seen smiling in the same scene. So you're just waiting out the other relationships that each of them inevitably have until the moment that one of them announces that they are going to America and the other has until the day before they leave - after a significant event - to decide if they want to join them as if it's some kind of reality TV show. So finally in the final episode when you see them standing 3 metres apart against a backdrop of Christmas Illuminations, he takes the inevitable step.
The Result
I guess this is the result that everybody expected and wanted, but notice how neither of them seems at all happy during the rape-hug. It's as if he is saying "fuck it, I will never be able to get a better wife than this so I may as well...". Call me a romantic, but I believe that it should take at least 6 months after getting married to be this miserable.
The name of the drama translates to "The reason I can't find love", and this is probably the most appropriate title for any Dorama I've ever seen.
The Depiction

The entire dorama series led up to this moment, as both characters work at an event lighting company. This final storyline is that they are co-producing the lighting for a big Christmas party, after which he will pack up and leave straight for the airport.
Visually, the background is far more interesting than either of the characters or anything they say and do. Other than the sparkles, there a three-metre gap that is shown via a wide-shot, as he strides to embrace the emotionally-lifeless victim. ("Emotionally lifeless" is also a good general description of Karina's acting).
Although it's a night scene in a park, is a relatively admissable rape-hug. Besides, the park is well-lit and she knows exactly what was going to happen. Both of the characters aren't so much awkward, but just bad at life. It's supposed to be some great happy moment for both of them yet somehow it's one of the most depressing things I have ever seen. The reason the initial rating was a 4-star was the typical Japanese TV closed-mouth kiss which is in fact not a rape-kiss. It's hardly noticable, but Karina actually tilts her head a couple of degrees upwards before impact which in Japan is legally admissable as consent. Sure it kind of looks like she is simply bracing for impact of a blind-man but the law is the law.
Much like the entire series, there's honestly not much more to the video than can be seen in the GIF, unless you like looking at sparkly Christmas lights and hearing crappy J-pop.
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