Rape-Huggist: Kamenashi Kazuya ♂
Rape-Huggee: Oomasa Aya ♀

The Context
This is a lame teenage-based drama where a good-looking popular guy tries to turn a socially awkward female into a confident woman, and they end up falling in love (*Note: I got so fed up with it that I stopped watching after the first rape-hug. So technically, I don't know if this is what happened... but I still know.) He will get free rent at the mansion he lives in if she turns into a lady, so when she agrees to go meet a man for an arranged marriage, he gets so excited that he rape hugs her.
The Result
As you can see in the video below, the rape hug only confuses her, since she is so socially awkward. Eventually they probably share a mutual hug and/or kiss in about the ninth episode, but the effect of this particular rape-hug is quickly forgotten.
The Depiction
What you have to understand about this dorama is that it is terribly overacted. He is so popular that crowds of women literally fall over when he passes by, and she is so socially awkward that she sleeps in a coffin. I am not making this up. I guess teenage girls like this kind of crap, but I digress. This rapehug begins with him pacing slowly behind her like an American lawyer from the South in a 1950s TV drama. Then, without warning he rape hugs her and whispers creepily in her ear. Then he begins dancing around because he thinks he will get his free rent. I guess this is a lame attempt at humour, but I firmly believe that you shouldn't joke about rape-hugs.
Awkwardometor ☆☆
In general, this rape-hug is not overly awkward because it is a terribly acted drama, and you know from reading the introductory blurb about this dorama that there will be many rape hugs anyway. It's just a shame that I had to watch four episodes to find the first one. Then again, do not confuse a paltry 2-star awkward rape-hug with implicit approval of rape-hugging a socially awkward female from behind in her own bedroom. If a girl can't be safe from rape-hug-attacks in her own room, what has the world come to?
Observe the incredible overacting from Kamenashi with his sneak-attack followed by his stupid dance. Also pay attention to her face when she realises she has been rape-hugged in the behind. It's like rape-hugs are a standard excercise at Japanese Drama Acting school, because they all seem to do it the same way.
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