Tokyo Dogs, Episode 10

The Actors

Rape-Huggist: Matsunaga Yuki
Rape-Huggee: Oguri Shun

The Context
This was the final scene of the entire series, and as soon as the scene began I was obviously concerned that they would ruin a perfectly acceptable dorama. And then this happens. It was epic. I wish every single rape-hug attempt would end up like this. It's what the rape-huggist deserves - yes - even if they are a woman. There is a little-known condition tied to the saying "Never hit a woman" which is "unless she attacks you first." In fact, I find it much funnier that he not only flips the girl, but he then stomps on her face.

The Result
Over the entire series, the girl had been throwing herself at Oguri Shun. Sure, it might be because he is one of the most loved boy idols among girls despite his kind-of weird-looking upper lip, but it's mostly because his character is a detective who is an overachiever at his age - a real catch. I love the fact that he didn't cave to her advances - running at full speed.

The Depiction
Initially the depiction complies to many rape-hug standards:
  1. It begins with her looking longinlgy before making her advance
  2. The long-shot of the space between them closing
  3. The pre-rape-hug shots of both of their faces
  4. It takes place at the end of the dorama at an airport
 And then, out of nowhere - BOOM! Face stomped, you stupid rape-huggist. Maybe this is signalling the start of self-awareness of rape-hugs by Japanese dorama directors.

Awkwardometor N/A
Not awkward at all - this is just pure awesome. 

Enjoy the unnecessary - yet very necessary violence in real-time.

1 comment:

  1. Omo. who knew blogs like these exist? this is epic. thanks for including gifs. they're perfect for viewing on ipads that hate flash videos.
